
時間: 2012-09-03


【關鍵詞】 非小細胞肺癌; 淋巴結跳躍性轉移; 淋巴結清掃

 The skip lymph node metastasis on non small cell lung cancer among different lobes

  SUN Xiao hong, PANG Zuo liang, LV Hong bo

  (Department of Thoracic Surgery, Affiliated Tumor Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830011, China)

  Abstract: ObjectiveTo investigate probability of the skip lymph node metastasis on non small cell lung cancer among different lobes, offer rational evidence about extent of lymph node dissection. MethodsClinicopathological factors of 327 cases underwent complete resection of non small lung cancer at N2 stage from January of 2007 to October of 2009 were analyzed retrospectively, all the cases were classified into two groups, skip lymph node metastasis positive and skip lymph node metastasis negative group, based on the findings whether the lymph node metastasis occurred or not, explored the probability of skip lymph node metastasis through compared these two groups. ResultsOne hundred and twelve cases of positive skip lymph node metastasis among total 327 cases of non small cell lung cancer at N2 stage, the total probability of skip metastasis was 34.25%(112/327). The probability of the right upper, right middle lower, left upper and left lower was 41.03%(32/78), 29.66%(35/118), 46.58%(34/73) and 18.97%(11/58) respectively. ConclusionThere is a higher probability of skip lymph node metastasis in non small cell lung cancer, the left upper lung cancer has the highest probability among all the lobes. Systemic lymph node dissection is essential for the surgical treatment of non small cell lung cancer,this kind of therapy is more important for those patients with the left upper cancer than for others.

  Key words:   non small cell lung cancer; skip lymph node metastasis; lymph node dissection


  1 資料與方法

  1.1 一般資料


  1.2 統計學處理


  2 結果

  淋巴結跳躍轉移陽性者112例中右肺癌67例,佔所有右肺癌患者的34.19%(67/196),左肺癌45例,佔所有左肺癌患者的34.35(45/131)(表1)。78例右肺上葉癌中32例(41.03%)出現跳躍轉移; 118例右肺中下葉癌中35例(29.66%)出現跳躍轉移(表2)。73例左肺上葉癌中34例(46.58%)出現跳躍轉移,在本組肺癌跳躍轉移發生率最高。 58例左肺下葉癌中11例(18.97%)出現跳躍轉移,與左肺上葉癌相比,其發生跳躍轉移的概率較低,差異有統計學意義(P<0.05)(表3)。表1 196例右肺癌與131例左肺癌比較,表2 78例右肺上葉癌與118例右肺中下葉癌比較,表3,73例左肺上葉癌與58例左肺下葉癌比較(略)

  3 討論

  淋巴結轉移是可切除非小細胞肺癌預後的最重要的影響因子[3]。非小細胞肺癌發生淋巴結轉移的機率很高,區域淋巴結受累的程度是非小細胞肺癌預後的一個很重要的影響因子[4]。曾有報道非小細胞肺癌淋巴結跳躍轉移的概率爲20%~40%[5-9]。儘管我們是從更廣泛的縱隔淋巴結清掃所得的淋巴結分析淋巴結跳躍轉移的概率,但是所獲得的結果與之相同。Riquet等[10]闡述了非小細胞肺癌淋巴結跳躍轉移的機制,研究發現胸膜下存在直接通往縱隔淋巴結的直接淋巴管道,認爲這是非小細胞肺癌患者發生淋巴結跳躍轉移的原因。淋巴液直接到達縱隔的右肺佔22.2%,左肺佔25.0%,研究顯示,直接淋巴管道更多的存在於右肺上葉及左肺上葉,右肺中下葉及左肺下葉相對較少。本研究發現與之相一致。本研究發現,以N1站淋巴結的組織學檢查結果做爲衡量有無縱隔淋巴結轉移是不可靠的。由於從N1站淋巴結至支氣管近端並沿支氣管走行的直接淋巴引流途徑的存在,N1淋巴結的轉移會導致縱隔淋巴結轉移機率的增加。跳躍轉移多侷限在單一站淋巴結,這些淋巴結在縱隔有時就包括了前哨淋巴結 [11]。當有單一N2站淋巴結跳躍轉移時,同時發現跳躍轉移至其他N2站淋巴結的機率爲33.3%~57.1%[3]。綜上所述,在任何狀況下系統性淋巴結清掃對於徹底清除患者體內的腫瘤細胞,防止術後腫瘤的復發與轉移是必需的,尤其對於左肺上葉癌患者,手術治療更應該重視系統性淋巴結清掃。

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