非母乳餵養風險 Risk of Not Breastfeeding

時間: 2011-09-07

非母乳餵養風險 Risk of Not Breastfeeding


非母乳餵養風險 - 在最初六個月推行純母乳餵養的策略

Risks of Not Breastfeeding and Strategies to Promote Exclusive Breastfeeding
for the First Six Months

Mary Kay Linge
Staten Island  NY USA
Report from the 2005 LLLI Conference

From: NEW BEGINNINGS, Vol. 22 No. 5, September-October 2005, p. 208

Michal A. Young, a neonatologist at Howard University College of Medicine, took an active role in the recent controversy over the breastfeeding public service ads that were modified at the behest of the formula industry. She offered an inside perspective on the ideas behind the ad campaign and a way to move forward during her session, "Risks of Not Breastfeeding and Strategies to Promote Exclusive Breastfeeding for the First Six Months."

Michal A. 楊,霍華德大學醫學院新生兒科學家,在最近的關於母乳餵養公益廣告被按配方奶行業要求修改的爭論中發揮了其積極作用。她在會議上提出了公益廣告活動背後的意圖並指明瞭前進方向,即 “嬰兒最初六個月不進行母乳餵養的風險和促進前六個月純母乳餵養的策略” 。

Dr. Young observed that too many pediatricians "give lip service" to the American Academy of Pediatrics‘‘ standards, which recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. The original ad campaign would have pointed out more of the health risks of formula feeding, including an increased risk of diabetes and increased rates of childhood cancer. "We need to be able to say without hesitation that artificial baby milk is inferior to human milk," she said emphatically. "This thought should just roll off our tongues. Why breastfeed? To keep your child from getting sick and dying."

楊博士指出,太多的兒科醫生對美國兒科醫師學會的標準只是“口頭上說說而不執行”,標準建議最初六個月進行純母乳餵養。原來的公益廣告內容道出了更多的配方奶餵養引發的健康風險,包括患糖尿病的危險增加及兒童患癌症機率增加。 “我們必須毫不遲疑地說出人造嬰兒奶粉絕對不如天然母乳好,” 她強調說,“我們應該脫口而出,爲什麼母乳餵養?就是爲了使您的寶寶遠離病痛和夭折” 。

Focus groups found that mothers-to-be are more likely to consider breastfeeding when they hear about the risks of formula, Young said. Researchers concluded that the proposed ad campaign didn‘‘t make women who had chosen to formula-feed their babies feel guilty; rather, it made them feel angry that their doctors had never told them about the risks of that choice. Looking on the bright side, Young said that the ad campaign fight forced breastfeeding advocates to pull all their research together. It‘‘s clearer now than ever before that, "It is criminal to not inform mothers of the risks," she said.

楊博士說,調查發現準媽媽在聽到配方奶的風險後會更傾向母乳餵養。研究人員得出結論認爲,原有的公益廣告內容並沒有讓那些選擇了配方奶粉餵養寶寶的婦女感到內疚;她們的感受是憤怒,因爲醫生從來沒有告訴過她們配方奶餵養的風險。從積極的一面說,她認爲這次公益廣告內容的爭議迫使母乳餵養維權人士把各項相關研究做了個整理。現在比以往任何時候都更清晰了,“不告知媽媽相關風險就是犯罪, ”她說。

"Changing society‘‘s attitudes toward breastfeeding is a challenge," Young commented. It calls for education, practical instruction, and emotional support for new mothers. When she talks with women about breastfeeding, Young said she is sure to bring up such benefits as quicker postpartum weight loss and the sense of pride that comes from nourishing baby with mother‘‘s milk. "You have to walk it with them," she said of the counseling process. "You never know what will encourage a mother to breastfeed."

楊博士說: “改變社會對母乳餵養的態度是個挑戰”。它需要對新手媽媽進行教育,務實指導,以及情感上的支持。當她與婦女談論母乳餵養時,楊博士說她肯定會提到母乳餵養的諸多好處,比如加快產後減重,另外能用自己的乳汁滋養寶寶會給你帶來自豪感。關於母乳餵養顧問服務,她說,“你必須自己實踐,不然你永遠不知道什麼能鼓勵媽媽進行母乳餵養” 。

Young said that negative attitudes from other women discourage many young mothers from breastfeeding. "Keep at it," Dr. Young advised breastfeeding counselors. "I always say, ‘‘This is your baby. You want less than the best for your baby? Your choice.‘‘" Big business may have undone the ad campaign, but nothing can stop committed advocates from spreading the word about the risks of not breastfeeding.

楊博士說其他婦女的負面態度會勸阻許多年輕媽媽進行母乳餵養。 “堅持進行,”楊博士對母乳餵養輔導員建議說“我總是說,‘‘這是您的寶寶。您不想給寶寶最好的嗎?您自己選擇。” 有實力的企業可以對我們的公益廣告內容進行刪節篡改,但沒有什麼可以阻止母乳餵養維權人士傳播非母乳餵養的風險。

