
時間: 2011-01-27

Lasting health consequences follow premature birth

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The health consequences of being born prematurely are broad and enduring, including a higher risk of death throughout childhood and lower reproduction rates as adults, researchers said on Tuesday.

Those are the findings of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that tracked almost 1.2 million people born in Norway from 1967 to 1988.

It is well known that babies delivered before the 37th week of pregnancy, or three weeks before the normal due date, are at higher risk for various medical and developmental problems as infants. Less is known about their long-term health.

The researchers found that while most premature babies went on to have good health and good reproduction, as a group they experienced higher long-term risks than full-term babies.

Preemies, as these premature babies are popularly known, had higher risk of death in childhood, were less likely to reproduce as adults, had slightly lower educational attainment and, among the women, were more likely to have their own babies born prematurely just as they had been.

The overall risk for death among preemies was still low, but was significantly higher than for full-term babies.

The earlier in the pregnancy that a baby was born, the higher the risk of lasting health consequences, said Dr. Geeta Swamy of Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, one of the researchers.

Preemies may develop health problems primarily because their organs do not have enough time to develop in the womb. Premature birth remains a prime cause of infant death in industrialized countries.

The risk of complications is greatest in the first year of life, but the researchers said parents should be aware that the risks may persist for years.

"When a family has a pre-term baby, they're pretty concerned and aware of what's going on in those first few months, first years of life. It may be that they need to keep that heightened awareness that there may be other things we should watch out for," Swamy said in a telephone interview.


Dr. Alan Fleischman, medical director of the March of Dimes, which works to prevent premature births, called the study important, but said the findings do not reflect modern neonatal care because the babies were born decades ago.

"These outcomes are all from babies who didn't benefit from the most modern respirators, the most modern technology, the most modern treatments," Fleischman said.

Babies born very prematurely -- from 22 to 27 weeks of pregnancy -- had the highest risk of death throughout childhood. The risk persisted for girls until about age 6 and for boys up to about age 13, Swamy said.

Swamy said the researchers also looked at reproduction rates as adults as an indicator of overall health.

Men born at 22 to 27 weeks were 76 percent less likely to have offspring and women 67 percent less likely than their peers who were born after full-term pregnancies. For those born at 28 to 32 weeks, men were 30 percent less likely and women 19 percent less likely to have their own children.

About 5 percent of the babies in the study were premature, with boys a bit more likely than girls. The study looked at single births, excluding twins or other multiple births who already have a higher risk for being delivered early.

研究者之一,北卡羅來納州達勒姆Duke大學醫學中心的Geeta Swamy博士說,嬰兒出生越早,長大以後影響健康的風險就越高。早產兒可能會出現健康問題可能主要是由於它們的器官在子宮內沒有足夠的時間發育好。在一些工業化的國家,早產仍然是導致嬰兒死亡的一個主要原因。儘管早產兒出生後的第一年出現併發症的風險最高,不過研究者建議父母親要一直小心,因爲這個風險可能持續幾年。Swamy在一個電話採訪中說,“當一個家庭裏面有了一個早產兒,他們就會非常關注在最初的幾個月這個小孩兒的狀況如何,在最初的幾年又如何。事實可能他們應該繼續保持並提高關注,因爲也可能還會發生其他一些我們也該密切關注的事情”。
March of Dimes 的醫學負責人 Alan Fleischman博士的工作是預防胎兒早產,他認爲這個研究很重要,不過他同時也指出,由於這個研究中的被研究對象都是在幾十年以前出生的,因此研究中的發現沒法反映現代醫療技術對新生兒的影響,“目前得到的研究結果全部來自於那些未曾受益於目前最先進的呼吸機、技術及治療的早產兒”。

第1樓 熱心網友 2013-05-16
第2樓 熱心網友 2013-05-16
不是的 我有個同學就是早產兒 七個月就被生了 事實證明她不是瘦人 吃多點就不瘦了吧 也和天生的有關 爸爸媽媽都瘦的話就不好說了。。