
時間: 2011-05-10

人類生殖雜誌   2009年7月16日 理髮師是一個主要由女性來從事的職業,她們都接觸到了能使動物導致生殖異常的化學品。本研究的目的是將理髮師與年齡相仿的其他職業的婦女相比,檢查她們是否正處於卵巢早衰危險增加的行列( POF)。 本研究分析的數據,以人口爲基礎的抽樣的443名髮型師和508名從事其他的職業的婦女,並對她們進行了郵寄方式的調查。我們推定的所有符合POF條件的是醫生已經診斷並由參與者自我報告的患者。 443名從事理髮師婦女和508名從事其他的職業的婦女被診斷爲POF,分別爲14 ( 3.2 % )和7 ( 1.4 % )。相比於非從事理髮師的婦女,從事理髮師的婦女有着非非顯着增加的患POF的風險(調整後的相對危險度(率) 1.90 ; 95 %置信區間( CI )的0.76 , 4.72 ) 。當限於只是高加索種族的婦女時(約85 %的受訪者),患POF的風險顯著性增加了,具有統計學意義(調整後的相對危險度(率)爲3.24 ; 95 % CI爲1.06 , 9.91 ) 。在40-55歲高加索種族的婦女美髮師患POF可能性是非從事理髮師行業的婦女的五倍以上(調整後的相對危險度(率)爲5.58 ; 95 % CI爲1.24 , 25.22 ) 。結論 從事理髮師職業的婦女患POF的風險較從事其他職業的婦女是增加的。

Premature ovarian failure among hairdressers.
Hum Reprod. 2009 Jul 16
BACKGROUND Hairdressers constitute a major occupational group of female workers who are exposed to chemicals that cause reproductive abnormalities in animal models. The purpose of this study was to examine whether hairdressers are at increased risk of premature ovarian failure (POF) compared with women of similar age in other occupations. METHODS This study analyzed data from a population-based sample of 443 hairdressers and 508 women in other occupations, who responded to a mailed survey. POF was assessed in all eligible participants by self-report of a doctor's diagnosis. RESULTS Among 443 hairdressers and 508 women in other occupations, 14 (3.2%) and 7 (1.4%) developed POF, respectively. A non-significant increase in the risk of POF was observed among hairdressers compared with non-hairdressers (adjusted relative risk (RR) 1.90; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76, 4.72). When limited to Caucasian women only ( approximately 85% of respondents), the increased risk was statistically significant (RR 3.24; 95% CI 1.06, 9.91). Among Caucasian women of 40-55 years of age, hairdressers were more than five times as likely to report POF compared with non-hairdressers (RR 5.58; 95% CI 1.24, 25.22). CONCLUSIONS Hairdressers may be at increased risk for POF compared with women employed in other occupations. 本文來源於中國婦產科網,
