
時間: 2012-11-04
1932年,Barr是美國波士頓Fenway醫院的實習醫生,就像5年前在齊魯醫院的我,每天早晨六點到病房抽血樣,八點交班,八點半查房,九點之前進手術室…… Mixter是Barr的帶教老師,同時也是麻省總醫院的神經外科醫生。 這一天,他們像往常一樣進入手術室,爲一名“腰椎椎管內腫瘤”的患者實施了手術治療,術後病理診斷爲“內生軟骨瘤”。但是,Barr不同於普通的實習醫生,他提出將手術摘除的“內生軟骨瘤”與正常椎間盤組織進行病理比較,Mixter同意了這一要求。 結果出乎他們的意料,病理結果顯示兩者結構完全相同。 他們繼續對麻省總醫院以往20餘類似病例所取病理組織進行了重新認定,結果發現當初所有被診斷爲“內生軟骨瘤”的病理組織其實均爲椎間盤組織。 之後的事情應該是讓所有醫生都羨慕和嚮往的: 1934年,Mixter和Barr聯合署名,在著名的醫學雜誌《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》上發表題爲《累及椎管的椎間盤破裂》的論文,以此爲標誌,開啓了骨科的“椎間盤時代” 又過了兩年,Barr因其在“椎間盤突出症”的診斷上的突破性貢獻,突格提升爲副教授。 今聞論文《腰椎間盤突出復發的相關因素初步探討與預防策略》發表,感懷如上。 附上文章摘要:
呂遊, 趙漢平, 李佩佳. 腰椎間盤突出復發的相關因素初步探討與預防策略. 中國矯形外科雜誌. 2009,17(3):177-179.



(解放軍第88醫院全軍骨科中心骨二科,山東 泰安 271000)

摘要:[目的]對腰椎間盤突出復發(recurrent lumbar disc herniation)的相關因素進行探討和評價,爲預防提供策略。[方法]16例因腰椎間盤突出復發住院接受再手術患者,對本次手術術前和前一次手術術前的病史、體格檢查、影像學資料進行歸納分析,並進行手術探查。[結果]腰椎間盤突出復發的相關因素包括:椎間盤退變程度;椎間穩定性;前次手術術後下地時間;患者體重等。[結論]除醫源性因素,腰椎間盤突出復發與椎間盤和腰椎本身性質以及患者醫從性有關。正確評估患者病情,以及加強患者醫從性能夠有效降低腰椎間盤突出複發率。


Relevant factors and preventive strategy for recurrent lumbar disc herniation // LV You, ZHAO Han-ping, LI Pei-jia, et al. Orthopedic Center, the PLA 88th Hospital, Tai’an 271000, China

Abstract: [Objective] To analysis and evaluate the relevant factors of recurrent lumbar disc herniation for providing strategy of prevention of this syndrome. [Method] Sixteen cases of recurrent lumbar disc herniation were analyzed according to medical history, physical examination and image examination before re-operation and the primary operation, and all the patients received exploration during operation. [Result] The relevant factors of recurrent lumbar disc herniation were as follows: the extent of disc degeneration, the stability of lumbar spine, the time of getting out of bed after primary operation and the weight of the patients. [Conclusion] Besides iatrogenic factors, there were several factors related to recurrent lumbar disc herniation, including the characteristics of disc and lumbar spine, as well as the compliance of patients. To remove these factors is the main preventive strategy of recurrent lumbar disc herniation.

Key words: recurrent lumbar disc herniation; disc degeneration; spinal stability; repeated operation
