
時間: 2012-05-10


Jacob Goldstein報道



95%的胰腺癌患者會在5年內死亡.胰腺癌很痛苦,多數在晚期才被診斷出來,並且對放化療都較耐受.Memorial Sloan-Kettering一腫瘤專家說:"胰腺癌對於人類來說是最具有挑戰性的惡性腫瘤之一,我想像不出還有哪種癌症比這更痛苦."

文章講述了Nancy Platt的事例.Nancy Platt今年66歲,她的母親和女兒都死於胰腺癌.Nancy是20名參與Johns Hopkins某項研究的受試者之一,他們都曾進行過胰腺切除手術,這種治療方法是該項研究中的一部分.
但Nancy Platt表示她並不後悔,她說:"如果不切除胰腺,囊腫就會越長越多,這就像隨身攜帶着一枚定時炸彈."

August 7, 2007, 8:26 am
For Pancreatic Cancer, Radical Prevention
Posted by Jacob Goldstein
Some healthy people are opting for surgery that leads to diabetes over the possibility they might develop pancreatic cancer later in life, the New York Times reports.
People with extensive family histories of pancreatic cancer are examined for cysts on the pancreas. If these growths, which foreshadow cancer, are found, part or all of the pancreas can be surgically removed. The reason that patients would consider such a radical solution stems from the grim prognosis for pancreatic cancer patients.
Ninety-five percent of those diagnosed with the disease die within five years. It’s painful, tends to be diagnosed at later stages and resists chemotherapy and radiation. “It’s one of the most challenging human malignancies,” a Memorial Sloan-Kettering oncologist told the Times. “I honestly can’t think of a worse one.”
But the pancreas is the source of insulin, so removing the organ induces diabetes, a serious health problem on its own.
The article tells the story of Nancy Platt (pictured, NYT photo), a 66-year-old woman whose mother and daughter both died of pancreatic cancer. She is one of about 20 people who has had the treatment as part of a study at Johns Hopkins. Since her pancreas was removed in April, she has had to test her blood frequently and inject herself with insulin several times a day.
But she expressed no regrets. “There were lots and lots of cysts,” she said. “It was like a time bomb.”
