Female condoms, a new choice
NGOs are calling for the use of female condoms in China, especially
among unmarried women, to prevent unwanted pregnancy and
"Female condoms give women control and choice over their own sexual
health. They can protect themselves when their partners do not want
to use a male condom," said Zhang Yun, the program officer from
PATH, at the Women Deliver conference in Malaysia on
PATH is one of the NGOs that promote female condoms in China.
Female condoms provide enhanced sensation for men compared with
male condoms. They may also provide more protection for
skin-to-skin transmitted diseases such as herpes and the human
papilloma virus.
Since 1993, about 300 million women's condoms have been distributed
in 120 countries, and public-sector programs are under way in more
than 90 countries, according to the World Health
The availability of female condoms, particularly in developing
countries, has increased from 14 million in 2005 to 50 million in
2010. However, based on data in the Reproductive Health
Interchange, a reproductive health procurement and information
service managed by the United Nations Population Fund, they only
account for approximately 0.2 percent of global condom sales.
In the past six months, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and
Prevention has purchased more than 10,000 female condoms, providing
them to sex workers in the country. The China Contraceptive
Supplies Center at the National Health and Family Planning
Commission bought another 40,000, which are mainly handed out to
married women.
"Female condoms are the only female-initiated method of HIV/AIDS
prevention that is safe and effective," said Shen He, a
reproductive health professor with the commission.
In many countries female condoms are not new, however they cannot
be easily found in pharmacies or supermarkets in China.
Zhang said some people are worried about possible inconvenience or
discomfort, or just can't accept that women can also use condoms.
"That's why we turned to young women first because they might
accept new things more easily," she said.
China's health department has promoted female condoms since the
early 2000s. A research paper on the use of the condoms among sex
workers released by the National Research Institute for Family
Planning in 2002 indicated that their use could be greatly improved
through active intervention.
The rate of sex workers who reported liking female condoms
increased from 60 percent pre-intervention to 93.5 percent
post-intervention. And the rate of sex workers who considered that
their clients could accept female condoms increased from 27 percent
to 92 percent.
After the intervention, 94 percent said their sexual satisfaction
had increased with their familiarity with the condoms, and 97
percent said they would use them in the future.
Different from the first generation of female condoms, the new ones
that will be sold in China are easier to insert and they do not
slip or move during use.
With a 0.03 mm polyurethane film, they bring more comfort to users.
The condom should be inserted hours before intercourse and does not
require immediate withdrawal afterward.
Chisomo Ngulube from Malawi stood in front of the booth for the new
condom in the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center for more than 10
minutes, asking questions about the new product.
"Many women in Africa use female condoms as a temporary way of
contraception. It is not new to us, but it is my first time to see
such a thin and convenient one, which impressed me a lot," she

在本週於馬來西亞首都吉隆坡召開的Women Deliver大會上,一個穿着女用避孕套做成的裙子的模特吸引了不少參會者。擺放這個模特的,是美國帕斯適宜衛生科技項目。