
時間: 2013-06-18


Menstrual period diet diet or cause menstruation to be not moved? According to statistics, gynecology outpatient clinic patients due to menstruation to be not moved, in the majority with young girls, investigate its reason, is closely related to menstrual period diet to lose weight. Many patients complained through specific diet to control their own body weight, usually with energy soup, aloe vera, such as food, melon, lettuce salad, more practice during the menstrual period "grapefruit diet", but this is not a healthy way to lose weight is the main cause of cause menstruation to be not moved.

  結果這名病患者發現月經量馬上減少許多,血色也變暗;第二個月情況類似,甚至出現腹痛不適,整個人活力盡失。在沒有用這類方法減肥前,這些女孩多半沒有痛經病史,這樣的代價,都是始料未及。月經來潮時,除 了 要充分休息,還要注重營養,寒涼食物如冰品、冷飲、柚子、葡萄柚、水梨、西瓜、椰子、橘子、蕃茄、綠豆、蓮藕、黃瓜、苦瓜、絲瓜、冬瓜、大白菜、白蘿蔔等,都要避免或儘量少食。通常在中藥調理與食物篩選互相搭配之後,這些病患的經行腹痛都獲得改善。

Results the patients found menstrual quantity reduce many, color is dim; Second month is similar, or even appear abdominal pain, loss of vitality. Before did not use this kind of method to lose weight, most of the girls had no history dysmenorrhea, such costs are unexpected. Menstrual cramps, in addition to fully rest, but also pay attention to nutrition, cold food such as ice, cold drinks, grapefruit, grapefruit, pear, watermelon, coconut water, orange, tomato, green beans, lotus root, cucumber, balsam pear, towel gourd, wax gourd, Chinese cabbage, white radish, etc., all want to avoid or eat less as far as possible. Often take with each other in traditional Chinese medicine recuperation and food selection, these patients after abdominal pain all improve.

  除了特定飲食減肥法,劇烈斷食法、減肥藥瘦身法,現在流行的則是漢方減肥。其後果都是月經失調,擾亂荷爾蒙分泌,有人甚至越減越肥。亞洲華爾街日報日前報道,“不要肌肉只要瘦”似乎是東方女性的特殊心理, 除 了運動以外的瘦身法,都有人“前仆後繼”的以身試之。

Law reducing weight, in addition to the specific food sharp break feed method, medicine reducing weight thin body method, is the Chinese prescription weight loss in fashion now. The consequences are menstrual disorder, disrupting hormone secretion, someone decreases fatter more even. Asian Wall Street journal reported, "don't muscle as long as the thin" seems to be a special Oriental female psychology, besides the movement of the thin body method, were "courageously" to try it.

  在門診病人中觀察到這個現象。而事實上,少吃多動是目前已知控制體重的不二法門,走捷徑往往欲益反損。經期間的養生法並不難,像是西方女性喜歡趁機吃點巧克力,中國人流傳久遠的桂圓紅棗湯、紅豆湯、生薑煮 紅糖,都是不錯的選擇。

This phenomenon was observed in the outpatients. In fact, is to eat less move more way are now known to control weight, cut corners tend to benefit the loss. During the regimen is not difficult, such as the western women like to take some chocolate, Chinese best-known longan red jujube soup, red bean soup, cook brown sugar, ginger is a good choice.

第1樓 熱心網友 2014-05-05
第2樓 熱心網友 2014-05-05
恢復飲食或者停藥吧 是這些藥物或者節食導致的 我也有過類似的經歷 。
第3樓 熱心網友 2014-05-05
月經不調是指月經週期、經量、色、質反生異常以及伴隨月經失調出現的全身性病變,是女性中的一種多發病。 月經不調的發病原因是機體正氣不足,抗病能力低下,腎氣虧損,,六淫侵襲;七情太過,飲食不節,營養不良,房勞多產,太胖太瘦,跌撲損傷,機械刺激及全身性疾病等諸多因素使卵巢、體內激素調解功能紊亂,導致衝任空虛,血海不能按期滿溢,行經規律失常而生病。 治療月經不調重在調經以治本,準確診斷,因症而異,先病而經不調者,當先治病,病去則經自調。因經不調而生病者,宜先調經,經調則病自愈。傳統醫學辨症施治,應用補腎扶脾,理氣活血法使氣血調和,陰生陽長,脾胃健,精血旺則流自暢。 1:處方:丹蔘20克,當歸、黨蔘、玫...