
時間: 2011-07-09
    病歷摘要:男,67歲,病例號2137。1981年6月14日住院。繼往有高血壓病史,緣於6小時前食桃子10個(約2市斤),食後漸感上腹脹痛、噁心,繼之頭暈、乏力、出汗,嘔吐咖啡樣胃內容物500毫升,解柏油樣大便。急測血壓90/60mmHg,脈搏110次/分,血色素9克%,大便隱血(++++),診斷爲急性胃出血。立即輸液及止血治療,一日後患者症狀仍未減輕,並出現胸悶、心悸、煩躁,血壓降至80/50 mmHg,心率75次/分,心律不齊,心音弱;作心電圖發現急性前間壁心肌梗塞,頻發室性早博;血沉40毫米/小時;血清穀草轉氨酶120單位。按急性心肌梗塞治療,靜滴極化液、丹蔘等藥物,病情仍不奏效,患者再度發生胃大出血,併發室性二聯律及休克後死亡。

    討論: 急性心肌梗塞的典型症狀有胸骨後或心前區壓榨樣疼痛,病人以胸痛就醫常可得到及時診治,但老年人症狀多不典型可無明顯胸痛,則可能發生上腹痛等胃腸症狀,易被誤診。本例系急性前間壁心肌梗塞,在發病時首先出現上腹痛、噁心、嘔血、黑便等症狀,由於明顯的失血徵掩蓋了其它症狀,被簡單地診斷爲急性胃出血,忽視了心臟情況而誤診、耽誤治療。本例若能在初診時,注意詢問有關病史,作好心臟查體和鑑別診斷,儘早檢查心電圖,誤診是可以避免的。


Atypical initial symptoms of acute myocardial infarction

Medical record: male, aged 67, case No. 2137. June 14, 1981 hospitalization. Continue to the history of hypertension, due to 6 hours before eating 10 peaches (about 2 Jin), epigastric pain after eating Jiangan, nausea, followed by dizziness, weakness, sweating, vomiting, stomach contents of coffee samples 500 ml, the solution tarry stool. Acute blood pressure 90/60mmHg, pulse 110 beats / min, hemoglobin 9 g%, fecal occult blood (++++), diagnosed as acute bleeding. 立Infusion and immediate treatment to stop bleeding, a day after the symptoms have not reduced, and chest tightness, palpitations, irritability, blood pressure dropped to 80/50 mmHg, heart rate 75 beats / min, arrhythmias, weak heart sounds; for acute anteroseptal myocardial electrocardiogram found infarction, frequent ventricular premature beats; erythrocyte sedimentation rate 40 mm / h; serum aspartate aminotransferase of 120 units. By acute myocardial infarction treatment, intravenous infusion of GIK, Salvia and other drugs, the condition does not work, patients with recurrence of gastric bleeding, concurrent ventricular bigeminy and shock after death.

Discussion: The typical symptoms of acute myocardial infarction chest or precordial crushing like pain, chest pain patients to get timely medical treatment often, but older people are not typical symptoms can be no more chest pain, abdominal pain may occur and other gastrointestinal symptoms , easily misdiagnosed. Department of the patients with acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction, when the disease first appeared in the upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, melena and other symptoms, due to significant blood loss signs masked other symptoms, was diagnosed as acute bleeding simply ignored the heart of the case misdiagnosis, delayed treatment. If the first visit in this case, note asked about the history, preparation and differential diagnosis of cardiac examination, ECG check as soon as possible, misdiagnosis can be avoided.

I think that we should note the following points: 1, upper abdominal pain patients, in addition to considering abdominal organ diseases, but especially for the elderly may have to consider whether the heart attack, many patients with previous myocardial infarction, angina pectoris may be no history; 2, except meal can induce gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other diseases, it can also induce angina pectoris in patients with coronary artery disease or myocardial infarction; 3, nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of myocardial infarction, it is not one-sided that nausea and vomiting is a gastrointestinal disease, should pay attention to identification; 4, abdominal pain, shock soon sign, in addition to considering bleeding, perforation, but do not forget to rule out myocardial infarction; It is reported that idiopathic bleeding was considered complication of acute myocardial infarction, this bleeding is due to blood circulation disorder following myocardial infarction, reduced muscle tone caused by the stomach and the gastric mucosal hypoxia; from bleeding occurred twice in this case is the situation comply. (Zhang Junrong)

第1樓 熱心網友 2013-05-24
先解釋一下心肌梗塞和脈管炎 心肌梗塞是指在冠狀動脈病變(注:如冠狀動脈粥樣硬化,偶爲冠狀動脈栓塞、炎症、先天性畸形、痙攣和冠狀動脈粥樣口阻塞等)的基礎上,冠狀動脈的血流中斷,使相應的心肌出現嚴重而持久地急性缺血,最終導致心肌的缺血性壞死。 脈管炎全稱爲閉塞性血栓性脈管炎,是一種累及血管的炎症性、節段性和週期性發作的慢性閉塞性疾病,主要侵襲四肢中小動靜脈,尤其是下肢血管。 脈管炎的病因尚不明瞭。統計資料表明,寒冷地區脈管炎發病率高於溫暖地區,吸菸人羣發病率高於不吸菸者,因此大多數學者認爲本病發病與長期吸菸及受寒冷有關。還有人認爲與免疫遺傳因素有關等。本病多發生在20~40歲之間的青年,且男女患病...
第2樓 熱心網友 2013-05-24
什麼叫心肌梗塞? 心肌梗塞是指在冠狀動脈病變的基礎上,冠狀動脈的血流中斷,使相應的心肌出現嚴重而持久地急性缺血,最終導致心肌的缺血性壞死。 發生急性心肌梗塞的病人,在臨牀上常有持久的胸骨後劇烈疼痛、發熱、白細胞計數增高、血清心肌酶升高以及心電圖反映心肌急性損傷、缺血和壞死的一系列特徵性演變,並可出現心律失常、休克或心力衰竭,屬冠心病的嚴重類型。 心肌梗塞的原因,多數是冠狀動脈粥樣硬化斑塊或在此基礎上血栓形成,造成血管管腔堵塞所致。按照病因、病理、心電圖和臨牀症狀等不同,心肌梗塞可分爲各種不同的類型,除上述共有的表現外,各有其特殊性。 心肌梗塞有哪些臨牀表現? 多數病人在發病前收日致數週有乏力、...
第3樓 熱心網友 2013-05-24
第4樓 熱心網友 2013-05-24
第5樓 熱心網友 2013-05-24